The Healing Essence: My Hope

My Hope

My hope

 is that humanity will unite 

and take a stand for their highest selves 

creating Heaven on earth. 

 It’s time for us to choose to end

 the insanity of causing ourselves and others to suffer.  

How do we do this?  

One by one.  

One person at a time…beginning with ourselves.  

One breath at a time.

One thought at a time.

One action at a time.

One step at a time.

As we do this, 

we will, 

all at our own pace, 

become our best potential.   

When we look up from our hearts 

to our sides, we will see each other 

next to one another. 

 We will realize that we were never alone, 

but we were walking forward together…


Choose Love


  1. A prayer..

    Lord, even if it may be dark all around me, let me focus on visions of good things, for it is by faith that miracles shall come to be.

  2. My "Inspiration".

    On life's journey faith is nourishment, virtuous deeds are a shelter,
    wisdom is the light by day and right mindfulness is the protection by night.
    If a man lives a pure life, nothing can destroy him..!!

    1. The use of right mindfulness is interesting that you say that because we can be mislead so easily during meditation and/or dreams. Choosing right mindfulness and true ways does indeed protect us.

  3. By Buddha

    The mind is everything.

    What you think you become.??

  4. We want people to see us at our best, but we need them to love us at our worst,
    because our worst is just as much a part of ourselves as our very best.

  5. By Buddha

    It is better to conquer yourself than to win a thousand battles.
    Then the victory is yours. It cannot be taken from you,
    not by angels or by demons, heaven or hell..

  6. My God,
    Help me surrender my past to you so I can receive the future you have planned for me..

    1. If your having difficulty releasing your past, you're not finished with it or haven't had closure.

  7. people understand this, we can never obtain peace in the outer world until we make peace with ourselves.!!

  8. My Prayer for Today!!

    My God, may I always remember that I am far more valuable than my possessions. May I always remember that my heart is more important than my external belongings which fade and rot.

    1. We all need this. Especially with the programs and systems that we are brought up in. I pray that He just helps us remember and not remind us. lol

  9. By Buddha

    There is nothing more dreadful than the habit of doubt. Doubt separates people. It is a poison that disintegrates friendships and breaks up pleasant relations. It is a thorn that irritates and hurts, it is a sword that kills.

    By Dalai Lama

    There is no need for temples, no need for complicated philosophies.
    My brain and my heart are my temples, my philosophy is kindness.

  10. My hope is to change the world, to a "Spiritual world".!!
    Peace and Love.


    1. More and more of humanity join you with your hopes everyday.;-D

  11. How far away do you think until it becomes time to break out of the third dimension into the fourth?

  12. How exactly do we do this?

  13. How exactly do we do this?


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