The Healing Essence: 3 Common Pitfalls of Spiritual discrimination

3 Common Pitfalls of Spiritual discrimination

Most spiritual scriptures mention the need to keep a distance from things that lower our awareness and consciousness. It is recommended instead to focus on ourselves and to do spiritual practices.

This develops better focus and helps us center our energy on our spiritual development. In the beginning, it may be difficult in avoiding the much contagious gossip, negativity or complaining that is commonly used as a crutch in society. But soon, this to need to join these conversations subsides.

The real down falls are ego related.

1. It is important to be on the lookout for judgmental thoughts criticizing the value of others. It is very common for us that choose to focus on development to no longer see the greatness in everyone else. Others may focus their attention on things that seem to us frivolous and sometimes we may tell ourselves that they are less evolved or less important. But these types of thoughts are in the tricky domain of the ego.

The ego does this to ensure that we make ourselves separate from others creating duality. In creating duality, fear is allowed to exist for both us and others. One of the most important steps to removing fear is realizing that we are all a part of one another and loving one another.

2. Putting too much energy on our upper chakras. When we put all of our energy on meditation and other spiritual practices to “ascend,” many times we neglect our lower chakras creating an imbalance.

When our lower chakras are weak from focusing all our energy upwards we become ungrounded. Our ability to stay in the physical world is dependent on the health of our basic chakras. It is important to be grounded and balanced.

3. A common mistake of those on the spiritual path is making too much of an effort to become an ideal enlightened being. In our endeavor, many of us push away and deny the existence of the undesired parts of ourselves in one corner of ourselves…in the shadow.

Although we become unaware of these qualities existing within us, they still exist and are stewing. Many times, after many years of spiritual practice, people are shocked from their own undesirable behavior that seems to come out of nowhere. It is always important to be compassionate and accepting towards our shortcomings and “negative” aspects, but to choose to heal them and to stand for Love instead.


1 comment:

  1. I know we resist it because we dread seeing it happen but when its "GO" time (which is sooner than we want it to be) just remember. They come back to more love than they've ever had and this cause will finally be behind us. Ready set? ... shhh


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