The Healing Essence: Dream Explanations ( G )

Dream Explanations ( G )

Gate - Closed

An opportunity for you to decide upon. Open: The beginning of an opportunity to leave your current situation.


To make you feel better about what the gift relates to. Something is coming to you, high expectations.


Something beyond your grasp or understanding. Running away: Loss or defeat because of inability to cope or manage. Coming at you benignly: you recognize a challenge that can overwhelm you. Charging at you: you are beginning to panic because of unprepared ness. If focus is upon its throat: possible health related to throat problem.


Pay attention to details and meanings about yourself and your spiritual progress in life. If God is there but not the focus: the dream content has an important message for you. If God is the focus: try to remember your feelings during that part of the dream for clues to the meaning.


Completion and accomplishment recognized. Ready to go on to the next stage or level of life.


Encouragement and sustenance instilled. Their house: Need to regain peace and tranquility in life.


Reminder of things past and completed. Draw opinions conclusions from other symbols.

Groom or bride

Desire to marry. Face of fianc': Reassuring. Face of a non- candidate friend: Patience required. Faceless: no prospective partner there yet.


Self with gun: Ready to assert one's will over the subject. Gun threatening you: Others wishing to assert their will over you. You are encouraged to take action about something and not remain complacent.

A:: B:: C:: D:: E:: F:: G:: H:: I:: J:: K:: L:: M
N:: O:: P:: Q:: R:: S:: T:: U:: V:: W:: X:: Y:: Z

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