The Healing Essence: Dream Explanations ( H )

Dream Explanations ( H )


Own hair falling out: Sense of having no control over a situation. Other's hair, seeing them as losing stature or importance in one's view. Real hair problem: Continuation of same.


Here are some points to consider being a possible signal that there is a health situation to be dealt with: Any focus upon a body part. Exaggerated size or color; Extreme feelings. Swallowing or choking, vomiting. When there is a demonstration of these on another faceless person that you are observing. It's best to be safe and investigate.


A spiritual meaning. A message from God or the Higher Self. Progress, status and direction in life can be made evident here.


Trying not to face situations, desire to protect one self and avoid consequences. Continues suspenseful situation in life.


Below it: More energy needed in a situation to get a resolution. On top of it: Achieved objective; feeling satisfied. Time to make new plans.


You, your psyche, intellect, mind, spirituality. How you perceive yourself in light of the things that go on here.

A:: B:: C:: D:: E:: F:: G:: H:: I:: J:: K:: L:: M
N:: O:: P:: Q:: R:: S:: T:: U:: V:: W:: X:: Y:: Z

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