The Healing Essence: 2012-12-02


 The founder seen above is Dr. Mikao Usui who was born in the village of Taniai-mura, Kyoto, Japan in 1865.  He was Principal and a Christian Minister of Doshisha University. One day in discussion with his students about the healings of Jesus, they asked whether he believed in the Bible's stories of Jesus' healings. Usui answered that he did and in response, the students asked him to demonstrate the method by which Jesus healed. Unable to demonstrate or answer these questions, he resigned from the University and began a 10-year quest to find and learn the skills. 

Dr. Usui studied the Bible and the Christian Scriptures but nowhere could he find the information he was seeking. He approached the Christian authorities in Japan who told him that no such healings were talked about or written.  Knowing that there were striking similarities between the healings of Buddha (Gautama Siddhartha, 620 - 543) and in the life of the historical Jesus, Usui then sought the information through Buddhist teachings, the Path to Enlightenment. He entered several Buddhist Monasteries and began to study and after a further period of time discovered that all focus seemed to be on the purification of the mind rather than the body.
Mikao Usui then traveled to the United States where he stayed for seven years. In that time he studied at the University of Chicago and became a Doctor of Theology. He also studied Sanskrit, which is the ancient scholarly language of India and Tibet.

Back in Kyoto 7 years later, Dr Usui visited many other Buddhist Temples where more scriptures were available for study but still the Buddhist monks seemed indifferent to his questions on the healing of the body. Soon after he entered a Zen Monastery and became good friends with the Zen Abbott who was interested in Usui's search of this particular healing method. He gave Usui the opportunity to study in his monastery outside Kyoto where he studied Buddhist Scriptures, and Sutras in Japanese. 

In the early 1900's, more ancient Sanskrits were found depicting the travels of St. Isa, who many scholars thought was Jesus himself.  In one of these Sanskrits, Dr. Usui found texts describing the healing formula that he could now read in their original Sanskrit. It did not however give instructions on how to activate the energy; it is thought that the obscuring of such information was intended to prevent such powerful material falling into the wrong hands. So although he had finally found what he was looking for, he didn't how to activate the energy and therefore did not have the power to heal. 

He decided to engage into spiritual practice to try to trigger a spontaneous initiation.  He went to Mount Koriyama in Japan where he fasted 21 days and meditated.  After 21 days, he became discouraged and decided to leave.  On the way down the mountain, he fell into a coma. 
While unconscious, he was initiated into the knowledge of Reiki, the Symbols, etc. When he awoke his whole experience of the world around him shifted.  He continued down the mountain and hurt his foot.  As a reaction of being injured, he placed his hands on his foot and his foot healed instantly.
He initiated 17 Reiki masters until his death in 1930.
One of the initiates, taught Madam Takata.  It is she that brought Reiki to the west.

Deja Vu - Spiritual And Scientific


Here and Now, There and Then.

The experience of Deja Vu in clinical and spiritual terms.

Deja Vu refers to those odd and usually rare moments when the present feels like the past. Its a hard experience to interpret. Some people search their memories for dreams that might have been like the present. Others think that the experience is what happens when things from past lives emerge in this one. Both notions are impossible to prove, disprove, or (until recently), investigate. The belief that its about past lives is a matter of faith. The idea that it has to do with dreams is less a matter of faith - only a few people claim to recall past lives, but almost everybody remembers some of their dreams. Some recall a lot of them. The theory of reincarnation that is most consistent with modern brain science (Algorithmic Reincarnation) predicts that no memories are passed from one life to the next. What is transferred is a set of signals that reflect states of consciousness. Memories don't need to go along.

Memories are state-specific. We can have experiences in one state of consciousness (like when we are drunk, for example) that we cannot remember at all when we are in another. States of consciousness provide a much more direct way for someone to select how they will behave than remembering past behaviors and comparing them to present possibilities.

There is a fly in the ointment with dreams as well. Both dreams and deja vu experiences happen in non-normal states of consciousness. Most altered states are are a fertile ground for confabulations. This means that in the moment when someone is experiencing deja vu, its easier for them to create a false memory than it would be normally. In fact, during moments of deja vu , one's consciousness has unusually direct access to long-term memories, and the brain processes that allow us to retrieve them.

I'm not going to write it here that deja vu doesn't come from past lives or dreams, and that that's just how it is. But we want to understand what deja vu is, and how we can respond to it when it happens. If we explain it in terms of past lives and dreams, we are giving ourselves explanations that can't be proven. Or proved to be false. It will boil down to a matter of faith.

There are some people who experience precognitive dreams, but most episodes of deja vu happen without the person having any sense of it relating to a dream. Precognitive dreams are a different matter altogether. Having the present moment feel like a repeat of something from the past is not the same as having the present validate a previous precognition. I have spoken to some professional psychics about this, and one of them said that he could tell the two apart, but that it took him some time to learn the difference. I asked him what the difference was, and he said that it was an 'energy.' That's not really enough to help understand what the difference was, but enough for us to know that there might be one.

How does deja vu happen.??

The scientific explanation is that it has to do with memory processes. I'll make it as simple as I can here. The basic idea is that there are portions of the brain that are specialized for the past, the present and the future. In general, the frontal lobes are concerned with the future, the temporal lobes are concerned with the past, and the underlying, intermediate portions (the limbic system) are concerned with the present. When these are all doing their normal thing, in normal states of consciousness, the feeling that 'something is going to happen will only come up when we are thinking about the future, worrying about it, anticipating it or making plans for it. The sense of the past will only come up when our memories have been triggered in some way.

The structure that overwhelms our consciousness when we are 'in the present are 'being here now' is the amygdala. It assigns an emotional 'tone' to our perceptions. When you step into the street and see a car speeding towards you, and you instantly freeze in terror and jump out of the way, that terror is the amygdala at work. Present. Here and now. The amygdala also recognizes expressions the expressions on people's faces. When we are talking to someone, we can recognize their expressions and change the way we are talking to them just as quickly as we recognize danger. Words can often seem dangerous to the one hearing them. "we're thinking of letting you go." "I've been thinking that our relationship is holding me back." "You are under arrest."

Phrases like these need instant, appropriate responses, and the amygdala is specialized to provide them. For example, one function it participates in, the maintenance of the sense of self, is repeated 40 times per second. Each instance of the self is able to manifest a new emotional response, but only if circumstances have changed. Every 25 milliseconds. In fact, the duration of the 'present' in neurological terms is so brief that we don't experience it so much as remember it.

The next level could be called 'being around here-just about now.'

Short term-memory deals in periods of a few minutes. Its mostly based in the hippocampus. We know this because problems with the hippocampus. often lead to severe short-term memory problems. It helps us to stay oriented in time. There have been a few people who have lost all hippocampal functions, and they are unable to remember anything that happened after their brain problems began. Humans are a linguistic species, and an intensely social one. We relate to each other through words. We have conversations. In order to do this, we have to be able to remember what people say to us. We also have to be to think about it long enough to be able to respond to it. We have to remember what we have just finished doing in order not to have to do it again.

There is a joke I heard while working in a nursing home: Happiness is finding your glasses before you forget what you need them for.

Then there is long-term memory. Its 'seated' in the surface of the brain, along the bottom of the temporal lobes. The area has been called the parahippocampal cortex, and its very closely connected to the hippocampus.

Ordinarily, there is a fairly seamless integration of the past, present and the future. In simple terms, we experience something in the present, compare it to similar experiences in the past, and decide how we will respond. The time frame can be very brief; even a few seconds. Once in a while, though, there can be too much communication between short-term and long-term memories. When this happens, then the present can feel like the past.

If perceptions from the present are shunted through the parts of the brain that process memories from the past, those perceptions will feel like they are memories, and the person will feel that they are re-living a moment stored in long-term memory.

There is another experience worth mentioning; Jamais Vu. Its the opposite of deja vu. Instead of feeling extra familiar, thing seem totally unfamiliar. In this case there is too little connection between long-term memory and perceptions from the present. When a person is in this state, nothing they experience seems to have anything to do with the past. They might be talking to a person they know well and suddenly they person seems totally unfamiliar. Their sense of knowing the person, and knowing how to relate to them simply vanishes. A room in which they spend a lot of time suddenly becomes totally novel; everything seems new. Details they will have seen a thousand times suddenly become engaging.

Jamais Vu is not so common as deja vu, but it can be just as compelling.

How do I respond to Deja Vu?

That depends on whether you enjoy it or not. Some people are just terrified when it happens. Others find it mildly euphoric.

As with all other altered state experiences, most people who enjoy it think of the experience in spiritual terms, and those who don't, think about it in psychological terms. I have talked to people who had it often, and found the experience to be terrifying. There is nothing frightening about deja vu in itself, but it can happen that activity from the hippocampus. can spill over into the neighboring structure, the amygdala, which is a highly emotional structure. If it gets into the one on the right, the emotion is going to be unpleasant, most likely fearful.

If you have deja vu appear with fear, you might want to get some help, depending on how strong the feeling is. One of the best places to start is with an epileptologist, especially if you think you might be going crazy. Why not start with a psychologist? Because Deja vu is highly symptomatic of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), and its misdiagnosed more often than not, usually as schizophrenia, but also as bipolar disorder, and several others..

On reason for the frequent bad calls psychologists make is that TLE isn't listed in the DSM-IV, the Diagnostic and Stastitical Manual of Psychological Disorders. This is the standard guide to diagnosing psychiatric illness. Because it isn't listed, its pathology isn't covered, and psychologists miss the mark when dealing with it. TLE also has a much wider range of possible symptoms than other disorders. While most seizures of this type (called complex partial seizures) begin in the amygdala, they spread into other structures, and there are quite a number of them. One nearby structure will introduce smells into the experiences, and leave someone a heightened sense of smell. Another will create distortions in spatial perception. Another can leave some one with overactive sweat glands. Another can leave someone wanting to talk or write all the time. Another can make a person prone to brief, intense bursts of anger. Another can make a person's sexuality change. The list goes on. There are also a variety of personality changes that can happen, as well. Proper diagnosis is going to be a problem, with so many possible combinations.

When deja vu feels good, a person will respond differently. There's no need for a diagnosis, even if it is a positive-emotional TLE. In that case, it really can't be called a disorder, but people still feel that it somehow calls for a response, and it will 'feel' like a spiritual one will be most appropriate.

For deja vu that feels spiritual, I suggest meditation. The kind that emphasizes being present in the here and now. Deja vu is an alteration in the perception of the present moment. The two best known ones are Zen and vipassana, both Buddhist practices. I'm not saying that people who have deja vu a lot should become Buddhists, only that these two Buddhist practices are well suited for those with frequent deja vu experiences. There are times I've thought that Jesus might have been close to these practices when he said to 'be still and know". The more often Deja vu happens, the more likely a person will be able to stop their ongoing mental processes, and just be in the present. Deja vu is an experience that won't go into words very well. When its happening, a person can still speak, but the phenomena that will demand their attention is that sense of the past.

Most commonly, a person having deja vu will give their attention to the feeling that 'this is the past!' If some one wants to use the experience to enhance their spirituality, they are three things they can try.


When deja vu happens, they should pay attention to what is happening in the present. They can pay attention to their senses, and look at the 'sense' that perceives that sense of familiarity. If they can get a clear perception of that 'sense', they can look there at any time afterwards. Especially while practicing meditation. This practice, for those who have deja vu often enough to take advantage of it, can chop months off the time it takes to get into meditation deeply.


The person should try to disconnect from the sense of the past and try to see the present through that same sense.

During meditation, the person should pretend that deja vu is happening right then. With practice, the familiar sensations should appear, and then they can stop paying attention to the 'past' and go into being 'present'. When this happens, their meditation practice should acquire something new.


The Seichim healing wisdom
 was translated from ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics
 into Sanskrit.   
The word Seichim describes the energy 
and the healing system.   

Seikim is the raw, original creative energy 
that brought forth all things.  
 It is connected to the Feminine Goddess.   

In Egypt, the Goddess is known as Sekmet 

and in India it is known as the Kundalini Shakti.  

The knowledge and the ability to channel it
 for healing purposes was dormant.
It is thought to have been activated due to 
the need for it in our world today.

Patrick Zeigler 
founded the beginning of Seichim in the west.  
 In 1979, he experienced spontaneous initiation.  

 Since a child, 
he dreamed of sleeping in the Great Pyramid of Giza.   
When he visited the Pyramids, he saw a small opening. 
 So with the intention of realizing his childhood dream, 
he prepared himself for the sleepover by fastin
 and packing a bag to take with him.   

He snuck into the opening that lead to a small room.
There he stayed until all the tourists left for the day 
and the Pyramid was closed.

He meditated in the Queen’s and King’s chamber a while. 
  Then he took his flashlight to explore.   
He accidentally hit a sarcophagus, 
which made a gong-like sound.   
He laid inside it.  Then he heard a buzzing noise 
which did not stop and he realized that he was being attacked by mosquitoes!  
 He then wrapped himself in toilet paper to prevent the biting so that he was able to continue his meditation.  

Soon he heard a thumping sound.
It came closer and closer to him.   
He thought it was security and became very still 
to not be detected... 
But no one turned the lights on.   
He realized that what he was hearing was not human!  
Waves of fear overwhelmed him.   
The thumping came closer to him and 
became a pulsing vibration.   

He watched an electric blue light swirling in a figure eight hovering over him
 and then went into his heart.  
Thus was his initiation to Seichim.

In the morning, 
he hid in the tunnel until the tourist came and left with the group
 but he was covered in white powder which was only found in restricted areas of the Pyramid.   
The powder was known for its healing powers 
and was shipped to India and other countries for its spiritual properties.   
It was known in the west as ‘white gold’,
 which was used to heightened spiritual powers. 
The guards saw him and chased him 
but he escaped.

He later studied with the Sikh and became a Reiki master. 

 Soon after, he started to initiate others into the healing energies of Seikim.

Types of Starseeds

There are an infinite amount of possibilities of types of Starseeds.  We only are aware of a few types.  Here is a list of those that we know and their personality traits 

See if any of them are familiar to you ;-D  

Those with an Andromeda planetary origin seek freedom. They search for this feeling of freedom. They may change jobs, homes or relationships in their search. At some point, they will realize that the freedom they seek, and the feelings they often have of being trapped are not due to their actual circumstances. The true freedom they seek comes only from within.
They must work with issues of self-confidence and love. As this develops, the connection between self and God becomes strong. This allows past life memories to flow, and many old talents begin to awaken to be used once again. Many Andromedans discover they have much to offer others on a spiritual pathway and become known as teachers and healers.

They enjoy travel and thrive on experiencing many types of realities. They may enjoy driving fast, or flying in airplanes, as this stimulates subconscious memories of 'home'. Andromedans tend to create dramatic learning scenarios for themselves, due to their tendency to be self-critical and not take themselves seriously. Their tendency to be self-critical may lead them to expect others to be critical of them. They are often surprised at finding how well they are liked by others! They are very good at keeping the inner fears, doubts and insecurities inside and presenting a very different 'face' to the outside world.  
Andromedans have healing and communication abilities which are often felt early in childhood. These are often ignored or discouraged by family members, and must later be retrieved. Andromedans are sensitive, caring individuals who have much compassion and ability to put themselves in another's position and truly empathize. There is a desire to work with healing the physical, emotional, or psychic pains of mankind.


Apollonians love to learn and add to their many talents. There is often interest in taking varied classes and developing many abilities. It is simply that Apollonians do not allow themselves to be limited to any one role, or definition of who and what they are. Any attempt by others to limit them or label them is very strongly and instantly resisted. This is one instance where the normally calm Apollonians will show a dramatic reaction. There may be situations where the Apollonian may feel that others are making attempts to limit, restrict or label them...regardless of the truth, if a situation creates this feeling, there will be a strong reaction.
Many from Apollonia have work to do as Earth healers and feel a deep connection to the Earth and her needs. There is early recognition of energy fields, auras, spirit friends or angels, which leads them to be drawn to spiritual learning as a means of finding answers and explanations. These abilities with energy may lead them to do healing work at some point in their lives, either with the planet, animals or people. There is often an attraction to children and desire to help children and those who are helpless or in need. This could be as a parent, teacher, counselor, or simply an interested friend.
There is a strong ability to empathize with others and use that ability to help others to heal and release emotional pain and fears. There is a strong love of beauty and nature. Apollonians often rely on the beauty and peace of nature to heal their selves and find peace within. There is a strong sense of intuition and spiritual connectedness. Those from Apollonia may have often considered themselves exotic or taken pleasure in being "different."


Those who have Arcturus as their planetary origin have strong personalities, a deep inner strength and a 'knowing' within. On the surface, they appear strong, capable and powerful. There is a feeling from childhood of having an important purpose in life, although there is not usually knowledge of what that might be. There is a searching for this purpose, which often leads to spiritual exploration. If this purpose is not found, there may be an inner feeling of dissatisfaction or unhappiness without understanding of the cause of this.
Arcturians are very creative. Many Arcturians are writers, artists, designers or use their abilities to create in some way. Arcturians are often good public speakers, have a good sense of timing and humor, the "life of the party." They enjoy making others laugh. They are loving and like to travel. They may tend to get bored easily and seek new experiences to avoid boredom. If they do get "bored" they may create dramas---just to stir things up or create excitement. This can show up in a tendency to create big problems out of little ones, to drag out situations, or dramatize situations to get attention.
Arcturians may seem hard to get close to or distant at times. They do not have many close, intimate personal friends, but have many "casual" friends. If an Arcturian accepts you as a close personal friend, and shares themselves with you on an inner level, know that you have been carefully considered prior to being "accepted." Arcturians attract people.  They are good advice givers, and their aura makes it appear to others that they are strong and complete. Others may be surprised to find that Arcturians have problems and feelings just like everyone else. There is often a wide circle of acquaintances that depend upon their Arcturian friends for advice and guidance. Although willing to listen and give advice, Arcturians may be impatient with those not willing to put forth needed effort or are not really "trying" to accomplish what they seek. There is impatience with "whiners". Those who seek advice but are not willing to use the advice they are given may lose their Arcturian mentor when this is realized.
Arcturians have much energy, both physical and mental. They may jump from one place to another or from one subject to another. They normally do not like sitting still and being quiet, but need to feel that they are accomplishing something. They tend to be enthusiastic and optimistic. When their energy is focused and used well, there is little they cannot accomplish. When it is scattered and without focus, there will be many projects begun, with few completed.
In love relationships, Arcturians need personal freedom. They feel trapped in relationships that are restricting. They need time alone, time with friends, and to be able to do this without guilt or explanations. There is need for understanding that freedom should apply to all involved-- the treatment they need for themselves should be extended to others. Arcturians are not comfortable with expressing their deepest emotions. Of their emotions, they are most comfortable with expressing anger, and humor.


 Lyran starseeds have a feeling of being on a mission or that they are here for a reason. They are usually attracted to space, interested in astronomy or science fiction.  Lyrans are masters at healing and are said to have founded the Lemurian civilization.
Lyrians see humans’ great potential.  People are attracted to them and acknowledge their authority though Lyrans can have issues with authorities.  They appear confident, reserved and tend to be serious.  They may not have others close to them.  Not even family, but they are self fulfilling.

Maldeck was a planet which was on the other side of Mars. It no longer exists, and current remains of the planet are what appears to be an asteroid belt.
Those who have Maldeck as their planetary origin have strong, steady personalities. They are determined and focused in their beliefs, whatever those beliefs may be. They often have deep leadership abilities, although these may be quietly expressed.
Those from Maldeck are very intelligent, technically minded and detail oriented. They are knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas. They seek to understand what is below the surface of people, things and events. Due to this, they seldom accept simple explanations or easy answers. They tend to analyze events, experiences and interactions with people and believe there is always more than what is apparent on a surface level. Those from Maldeck are individuals who usually will know quite a bit about any subject that may be brought up in conversation.
They are reserved, and may appear to be distant or hard to approach to those they do not know well. They are cautious and skeptical about whom and what they trust with their innermost selves. If one is accepted as a friend or in an intimate relationship, they are very loving, honorable and trustworthy companions. Only with those they trust fully do they open themselves emotionally, but when this trust is present they are very capable of, and enjoy sharing themselves on all levels.
Maldeckeans love challenges, mysteries and the unknown or unexplainable. They are often fascinated with "magic" and the use of energy to create and manifest. They often have an early interest in astronomy, the planets and exploring the universe. They may love tales such as King Arthur and the Knights of the Round Table, Merlin the Magician and others of that era. The desire for honor, integrity, loyalty and service of common goals is strong. Those time periods on Earth were favored by Maldeckeans, who may feel frustrated by much in this current time on Earth.
In relationships Maldeckeans are strongly supportive and understanding of partners, providing their partner is equally open to sharing themselves fully, and discussing all elements of their needs and desires. Once mutual understanding is achieved, there is a willingness to do whatever is needed to help those they love achieve their goals and dreams. It should be understood that because of the Maldeck questioning nature, it might take many discussions for this to occur. Maldeckeans have a strong loyalty and little problem with commitment, whether it is to a relationship, friendship, career or ideal. They do expect the same in return and will be quickly disillusioned if this is not so. This would be one of the rare occasions when a Maldeck temper might be seen.


Those who have Orion as their planetary origin have strong personalities, ideals and beliefs. They ask many questions because they have a strong drive to understand. They tend to analyze people and events in their need to understand. Most Orions operate on a mental level, rather than a feeling level. Orions want others to respect their opinions and have the tendency to argue their point. Orions have a deep inner thirst for knowledge and may be frustrated with those who do not share this thirst.  They can be rigid in not excepting new concepts easily.  They are perfectionist and criticize themselves and others. They are very sensitive to balance and may feel physically unwell where there is imbalance which is why they have a need to correct imbalances. It can be Orions need beauty and balanced flow of energy in their surroundings to feel their best on all levels.
In relationships and in dealing with emotions, Orions react to emotions intellectually and may surprise others by their reactions. The drive to understand is much stronger than the emotional reaction. It is very important for them to understand the reasons behind a situation, to aid in their ability to accept and understand.
Those from Orion need privacy and time alone to recharge, to learn and to develop the flow within. They learn best alone or in small groups. Many Orions make excellent teachers, due to their ability to see many details, and "angles" of presenting information, to make learning more interesting for the student. Orions enjoy making others laugh. There is a strong sense of humor and desire to tease and play. Others may notice that the change from playfulness to being critical can occur quickly.
There is strong communication with spirit, and psychic ability. As Orions grow on a spiritual pathway, they find their largest challenge to be that of developing higher levels of trust and faith. This is due to many aspects of spirituality that must be accepted simply on faith. Orions are deeply ingrained with the need to question, seek proof, answers, and logical understanding before accepting beliefs.


 The Pleiadians are from a star system called Pleiades. This star system is a small cluster of seven stars located in the Constellation
of Taurus the Bull. The cluster of stars are known as “the Seven Sisters.”
The names of the seven stars in the Pleiades system are as follows:

2) Maya
3) Coela
4) Atlas
5) Merope
6) Electra
7) Alcoyne

The Pleiadians are a very ancient race of humanoids.  Pleiadians are sensitive, loving and kind.  They have a pleasant and gentle energy.  They want everyone to be at peace and to be happy.  They tend to hold in feelings and be reactive towards criticism.  They are people pleasers which may lead to resentment. Instead of expressing negative feelings openly, they tend to display passive aggressive behavior meaning that they might “accidentally” sabotage things or fail to do things.  Also negativity sometimes makes Pleidians sick.  They tend to absorb negative emotions such as anger and tension as an effort to smooth situations
Sometimes they are reserved because they criticize their thoughts and sometimes feel that their thoughts aren’t of importance.  They may sometimes try to escape from reality through drugs, alcohol, sex, reading or television.
Pleiadeans release through crying. They tend to repress emotions until they build up and release through crying when triggered.  Because they don’t express themselves, they may develop problems surrounding the throat chakra; Problems such as speech difficulties, hoarseness, coughing, or tightness in the throat chakra.

Pleiadeans are very strong on faith and trust. They have a strong sense of purpose from childhood, a feeling of knowing there is a God connection, purpose and plan.

Pvilans have strong personalities, strong abilities and much pride. There is a strong sense of humor and desire to be the focus of attention. These are often "class clown" or "life of the party" types. There may be a tendency to go too far with teasing and humor, sometimes at the expense of others. This is not done with any intention to hurt, simply from a tendency to become "carried away" with impulses of the moment. There is need to learn compassion and gentleness in dealing with others.
Pvilans carry an aura of power which may give others the impression that they are unbending and unapproachable. This can be unsettling, especially to those who are insecure or have low self-esteem. At times others may have trouble understanding and coping with Pvilans, as they can come across as a bit overbearing. It may be necessary to work with modifying behavior patterns, and softening the approach used in interactions with others,
It is good for others to look beyond the forceful exterior; this allows the kindness within to be seen. When this is done, it will be found that Pvilans are very caring, and will do much to help those they feel are true friends and are deserving of their aid. At times they may do too much for friends, and may need to step back and allow others their learning experiences. Those close to Pvilans, will find them to be very loyal, devoted friends who easily overlook the shortcomings and flaws of friends. They may be very quick to judge or label these same shortcomings or flaws in others who are not yet considered friends.
There is a drive to collect information, details, knowledge and a desire to explore and understand everything. Pvilans possess a "photographic" type of memory. They not only love collecting knowledge but also sharing it with others.
They have many possible careers, and may have several active careers at once, as they do not like to limit themselves. They are usually knowledgeable on many different subjects and ask many questions in seeking information and details. Pvilans are very determined and focused upon whatever their path may be at any time. This path may change frequently, as they move from one pathway to another with ease. To others, it may appear as if they have difficulty in making decisions, or maintaining a focus. This is not true; they simply have the ability to maintain a number of focuses at once with changing levels of priority. Areas of interest will come and go as the desire for new knowledge leads them to seek ever onward.
In relationships, those from Pvila need respect and freedom. Pvilans must have time alone to reconnect and find peace within. There is a strong need for privacy and quiet times. They balance well with others who share this need for freedom and privacy. There is often an attraction to those who have softer energies, yet it is important that they be with others of equal intelligence. 


Those who have Sirius as their planetary origin are very focused, very determined and set on whatever path they are on at a given time. Once they have become convinced that a new "path" is more appropriate, they become totally focused on the new, and release the old quickly. Sirians have strong beliefs, ideals and personal integrity.They make loyal, trustworthy friends, but expect the same in return. They become hurt and disillusioned when these expectations are not met. Sirians do not share the inner personal self with others easily, and may have difficulty sharing emotions and expressing feelings and needs. Sirians may have difficulty in relationships and friendships when they expect to be treated in a certain way, but do not share their expectations with the others involved. This often occurs as a result of lack of communication or lack of mutual understanding and clarity in relationships.
Those from Sirius tend to be future oriented, and do not enjoy focusing on the past. They may become defensive if forced to focus on the past because past pain and emotion has been repressed and needs to be healed and released. They avoid confrontations but if forced into an argument, they will defend themselves and their loved ones.
Sirians have a very unique and strong sense of humor which is usually only shared with others that they are close to.  They are in their own world and can be easily distracted and forget worldly things.  Those from Sirius have a deep connection to the Earth and energies of nature. Many Sirians have had numerous lives as American Indians and maintain close ties and memories of these lives. They are very visual, both in their ability to see things which others do not, and in their manner of learning.

Those who have Vega as their planetary origin are self sufficient, independent, proud and strong willed. There is an outer smooth energy and appearance of strength and capability. Those from Vega tend to be knowledgeable in a wide variety of areas, they may be trivia "collectors" for information concerning their areas of interest. They have a variety of talents and capabilities, are quite creative and often have an ability to combine creative expression with intellectual expression. They may be artists, designers, inventors, architects or in current times may work more closely with creativity through new or expanding technologies. They do well at beginning projects, but less well at completing them.
Those from Vega are travelers who seek variety, challenge and understanding of the many questions they have within. They may become bored easily. They tend to analyze, question and doubt all which they do not understand, does not meet their belief system or simply does not "feel" right.

Most from Vega have a strong sense of responsibility, nurturing and caring. They may find fulfillment in working with children, those who are ill or in need of care and support. At times however, they may be overly responsible for others, and may need to remind themselves of the importance of teaching responsibility, as well as being responsible. They may need to work with developing a stronger sense of feeling the integrity of others, as they may find themselves taken advantage of due to their caring nature. They may find others attracted to their understanding energy, and may be approached in many situations by others wishing to share personal problems.
Vegans have healing abilities, and may have an affinity for stones and crystals. Many from Vega work in caring for others in the area of health care, either physical, mental, as teachers or in areas which allow freedom of creative expression. They have a strong need for time alone, privacy, and freedom from restrictions. It is important that they be shown appreciation for what is done for others. Those in personal relationships with Vegans may at times be in need of more attention, and may feel somewhat neglected, due to their many interests and areas of focus. They may become so involved with caring for others, that they neglect personal needs and personal relationships.
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