The Healing Essence: Introduction to the Chakras

Introduction to the Chakras

Chakras are centers of energy, located on the midline of the body. There are seven main chakras located in our bodies according to most cultures.  They control the energy that is allowed to us and how well we function on all levels.  The chakras located on the lower part of our body are responsible for our more basic functionality.  Our higher chakras have to do with more advanced and evolved skills.
All chakras contribute to our overall functioning and well being. Many times our chakras are out of balance.  Balanced chakras help us to be in our best states physically, mentally and spiritually.
There exist lots of techniques to balance or open the chakras. Over-active chakras are over-active because they are compensating for other chakras that are closed or spinning clockwise. Even if we slow the rotation of these over active chakras, they would quickly become overactive again.  To stop them from compensating, the chakras they are compensating for must be opened.

1st: Root chakra
The main issue of the Root chakra is having the right to be.  It is about being physically here and feeling at home in situations. If it is open, we feel grounded, stable and secure.  We would feel present in the here and now and connected to our physical body. Underactive Root chakras create the feeling of fear and nervousness.
If this chakra is over-active, it creates materialism and greed. It may also cause us to constantly try to create security and resist change.

2nd: Sacral chakra
The main issue of the Sacral chakra is the right to have or desire.  The Sacral chakra is about Self love, feelings and sexuality.  When it is open, feelings flow freely, and we can express ourselves without being overly emotional. Balanced Sacral chakra creates openness to intimacy, passion and liveliness.
Underactive 2nd chakra makes us tense, stiff and distant.  It becomes difficult to open to others.  If it is over active, it creates an over abundance of emotion, a tendency to emotionally attach inappropriately and may cause us to be overly sexual.

3rd: Solar Plexus or Navel chakra
The Navel chakra is right to will and about power.  When balanced, we can be assertive in groups.  It creates a feeling of being in control and positive self esteem.  Under-active solar plexus, makes us passive, timid, indecisive, powerless and have difficulty in willing what we want.
If this chakra is over-active, we become controlling, dominant and aggressive.

4th: Heart chakra
The Heart chakra is about love, kindness and affection. Its core issue is the right to love. An open Heart chakra creates compassion and harmonious relationships.  When it is closed it makes us cold and distant.  Also, it causes us to create unbalanced relationships from other chakras.
If this chakra is over-active, we may suffocate others with a selfish love.

5th: Throat chakra
The Throat chakra is about self-expression, and the right to speak.  An open Throat chakra makes effortless self expression.  When under-active we may not talk much, be introverted or shy. 
Not speaking our truth and expressing how we truly feel creates blockages in this chakra.  Over-active throat chakras cause use to talk too much, in a controlling way while keeping people at a distance and makes us a very bad listener.

6th:  Third Eye chakra
The Third Eye chakra is about the right to see.  When it is open, we benefit from good intuition, insight and visualization.  If it is under-active, it is difficult to think and we may let others think for us.  Our thinking may be rigid and we could become confused easily.  If this chakra is over-active, you may live in a world of fantasy too much. In excessive cases, hallucinations are possible.

7th: Crown chakra
The Crown chakra is about wisdom, being one with the world and the right to know. When this chakra is open, we are unprejudiced and quite aware of the world and our role in it.  There is also a strong connection to the spiritual energies that can give us strength.  If it is under-active, spiritual awareness is limited as well as in our thinking.  We are much weaker and may become imbalance in our day to day lives.  Being overactive may cause us to over intellectualize everything or we may become overly focused on ascension neglecting our bodies.

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