The Healing Essence: Dream Explanations ( B )

Dream Explanations ( B )


A new event , happening, beginning for the subject of the dream. Can mean a baby if the dream is about a pregnant person or someone wanting to have one. Wish fulfillment. Fills one's sense of lacking or incompleteness.


Your perceived faults, shortcomings, fear of those with power over you.


Pestering and annoying people and events associated with them. Erratic, and sporadic events.


A need to remove certain emotions and beliefs. Remaking oneself into something new.


A place of transition between spiritual and material: emotions and mental tranquility.


Friendly: Support and consoling. Unfriendly: Threatening situation or circumstances from powerful sources, groups or institutions.


Sexual meaning, partnership, intimacy, relationship. Has subconscious implications regarding the activities here.


Actual betrayals may recur. Suspicions often played out with this theme. May be precognitive in both respects. Represents both love mates, friends and business.


Can be about a real birth. Coming event or new beginning. Rebirth from what was thought to be completed or ended.


Being bitten brings to a close emotions and fears about vulnerability from something threatening or unresolved. The trigger event is signified by what is doing the biting.


A sign of life. Killing scene with blood: Enforces the notion that something is ended or finished.


Spiritual journey. Calm and peaceful: An encouraging report on one's progress. Stormy: Conflicting issues not resolved yet. Can also be signal that emotions are not balanced.


Unexploded: A fear of a negative future event. Exploded: Recognition that things or a situation has fallen apart.


Knowledge to be revealed.


May be relating to one's youth. male). A woman's protective association with her mate. A woman's projection into her future.


A transition or transformation. Crossing a boundary, or getting from one situation to another. A place where change takes place.


Earthy, common, crude, basic, material, foundation.


An intruder, unwelcome person or event, loss of something. Being forcibly deprived by someone's actions.


The disintegration of something, loss, ending, beyond control. Emotion or anger dissipating.


Going along with everyone else, part of the group, not going it alone.

A:: B:: C:: D:: E:: F:: G:: H:: I:: J:: K:: L:: M
N:: O:: P:: Q:: R:: S:: T:: U:: V:: W:: X:: Y:: Z

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