The Healing Essence: Dream Explanations ( T )

Dream Explanations ( T )


Falling out: Loss of control over certain aspects of one's life. Powerlessness, unable to influence things or the outcome of things important.
Loss of self-esteem in a situation or a chronic problem.


Can't hear the voice: You are out of touch with the subject. You can't speak: You may have nothing to say or lack the skill to say something.
The notion of a telepathic message or spiritual communication.

Tidal wave

Overcoming you: Your emotions about to become out of control regarding circumstances in life.
Dodging it: You are maintain emotional control while facing your stressful situation.


Sitting on one: Trying to remove memory or stress from embarrassing situation.


Being overwhelmed by work or circumstances. You are stressed out.
If you are overtaken: Things are out of control in your life. If you escape from or avoid it: You are stressed but can handle the situation.


A journey in life with someone else in control of the itinerary.
Don't work. Loss of control. Applying them: bringing something under control.

A:: B:: C:: D:: E:: F:: G:: H:: I:: J:: K:: L:: M
N:: O:: P:: Q:: R:: S:: T:: U:: V:: W:: X:: Y:: Z

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