The Healing Essence: Dream Explanations ( C )

Dream Explanations ( C )


Restricted, encumbered, restrained, held away from the thing desired.


Cruising along, going somewhere, a journey. Out of control: Not in control of circumstances or of one self.


 The desires for the self, the person's future, dreams and plans.


A feminine power symbol. Attributes are by image portrayed.


Observing others: Detachment from their concerns. In the midst of: Dealing with inadequacy to handle one's own situation.


Unresolved circumstances, situation, emotions plaguing you. Can be real fear of being pursued by someone or something.


Common dream of those who have suspicions real or imaginary about their mates. Some times can be a hint from the subconscious to investigate.


A place that represents a threat and feeling vulnerable. Falling from: Losing control of oneself or situation.


A struggle to attain a goal or purpose.


Confined in: Feeling limitation regarding one's psyche. Hiding in one: Trying to avoid facing up to one's inadequacies regarding the self.


A focus upon death and the realm beyond. Removal or detachment from an emotional connection with the person within.


The end of something. Desire to keep something hidden.


Bringing to an end an emotion or fear that was causing stress in the person. Warning about driving habits.


Release of emotion not related to the action in the dream that caused the crying. Regaining emotional balance.

A:: B:: C:: D:: E:: F:: G:: H:: I:: J:: K:: L:: M
N:: O:: P:: Q:: R:: S:: T:: U:: V:: W:: X:: Y:: Z

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