The Healing Essence: Dream Explanations ( R )

Dream Explanations ( R )


You are trying to overcome an emotional issue with someone or something.


You feel used or your integrity violated by someone or circumstances that was forced upon you.


Non - threatening: Indicates that something doesn't make sense, is deceptive, is wrong or amiss, isn't fair.
Threatening or attacking you: you are in the midst of a situation that involves the previously mentioned meanings.
May represent disease if the dream is one about health or well being.


Symbol of commitment when involved with a candidate for marriage.
Can also be any other type of commitment. A sense of completeness.


Creates a focus on the feelings and emotional content of the dream.

A:: B:: C:: D:: E:: F:: G:: H:: I:: J:: K:: L:: M
N:: O:: P:: Q:: R:: S:: T:: U:: V:: W:: X:: Y:: Z

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