The Healing Essence: Dream Explanations ( D )

Dream Explanations ( D )


Brings a sense of bonding with partners.


Attempt to accomplish something with inadequate or insufficient means. Need to be balanced in undertaking.


Does not signify death. Means to remove or be removed from a situation, emotions or circumstances. May or may not involve the dead person.


The deceased often come to comfort those they left behind. :They bring messages and convey the notion that everything is OK.


Getting out of a threatening situation. Migrating to a lower status.


A symbol for fear and evil for those who use this symbol.


Having to choose: The need to make a decision in life. Fork in the road: A choice to be made. Going in: The recognition that one is on a journey of sorts.


Talking or treating you: Check your self, it may be health related. Someone else: May indicate medical need or focus.


Choices to be made. Entry into the unknown. Entering something new. Making a commitment.


You are on a a life or purpose journey and making progress getting there.


Losing ones emotional control. Situation is out of control. Inability to handle a circumstance or social situation.

A:: B:: C:: D:: E:: F:: G:: H:: I:: J:: K:: L:: M
N:: O:: P:: Q:: R:: S:: T:: U:: V:: W:: X:: Y:: Z

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