The Healing Essence: 2012-11-25

Meditation : 20 Practical Tips

Meditation is the art of focusing 100% of your attention in one area. The practice comes with a myriad of well-publicized health benefits including increased concentration, decreased anxiety, and a general feeling of happiness.

Although a great number of people try meditation at some point in their lives, a small percentage actually stick with it for the long-term. This is unfortunate, and a possible reason is that many beginners do not begin with a mindset needed to make the practice sustainable.

The purpose of this article is to provide 20 practical recommendations to help beginners get past the initial hurdles and integrate meditation over the long term:


Make it a formal practice. You will only get to the next level in meditation by setting aside specific time (preferably two times a day) to be still.


Start with the breath. Breathing deep slows the heart rate, relaxes the muscles, focuses the mind and is an ideal way to begin practice.


Stretch first. Stretching loosens the muscles and tendons allowing you to sit (or lie) more comfortably. Additionally, stretching starts the process of “going inward” and brings added attention to the body.


Meditate with Purpose. Beginners must understand that meditation is an ACTIVE process. The art of focusing your attention to a single point is hard work, and you have to be purposefully engaged!


Notice frustration creep up on you. This is very common for beginners as we think “hey, what am I doing here” or “why can’t I just quiet my damn mind already”. When this happens, really focus in on your breath and let the frustrated feelings go.


Experiment. Although many of us think of effective meditation as a Yogi sitting cross-legged beneath a Bonzi tree, beginners should be more experimental and try different types of meditation. Try sitting, lying, eyes open, eyes closed, etc.


Feel your body parts. A great practice for beginning meditators is to take notice of the body when a meditative state starts to take hold. Once the mind quiets, put all your attention to the feet and then slowly move your way up the body (include your internal organs). This is very healthy and an indicator that you are on the right path.


Pick a specific room in your home to meditate. Make sure it is not the same room where you do work, exercise, or sleep. Place candles and other spiritual paraphernalia in the room to help you feel at ease.


Read a book (or two) on meditation. Preferably an instructional guide AND one that describes the benefits of deep meditative states. This will get you motivated. John Kabat-Zinn’s Wherever You Go, There You Are is terrific for beginners.


Commit for the long haul. Meditation is a life-long practice, and you will benefit most by NOT examining the results of your daily practice. Just do the best you can every day, and then let it go!


Listen to instructional tapes and CDs.


Generate moments of awareness during the day. Finding your breath and “being present” while not in formal practice is a wonderful way to evolve your meditation habits.


Make sure you will not be disturbed. One of the biggest mistakes beginners make is not insuring peaceful practice conditions. If you have it in the back of your mind that the phone might ring, your kids might wake, or your coffee pot might whistle than you will not be able to attain a state of deep relaxation.


Notice small adjustments. For beginning meditators, the slightest physical movements can transform a meditative practice from one of frustration to one of renewal. These adjustments may be barely noticeable to an observer, but they can mean everything for your practice.


Use a candle. Meditating with eyes closed can be challenging for a beginner. Lighting a candle and using it as your point of focus allows you to strengthen your attention with a visual cue. This can be very powerful.


Do NOT Stress. This may be the most important tip for beginners, and the hardest to implement. No matter what happens during your meditation practice, do not stress about it. This includes being nervous before meditating and angry afterwards. Meditation is what it is, and just do the best you can at the time.


Do it together. Meditating with a partner or loved one can have many wonderful benefits, and can improve your practice. However, it is necessary to make sure that you set agreed-upon ground rules before you begin!


Meditate early in the morning. Without a doubt, early morning is an ideal
time to practice: it is quieter, your mind is not filled with the usual clutter, and there is less chance you will be disturbed. Make it a habit to get up half an hour earlier to meditate.


Be Grateful at the end. Once your practice is through, spend 2-3 minutes feeling appreciative of the opportunity to practice and your mind’s ability to focus.


Notice when your interest in meditation begins to wane. Meditation is
hard work, and you will inevitably come to a point where it seemingly does not fit into the picture anymore. THIS is when you need your practice the most and I recommend you go back to the book(s) or the CD’s you listened to and become re-invigorated with the practice. Chances are that losing the ability to focus on meditation is parallel with your inability to focus in other areas of your life!

Meditation is an absolutely wonderful practice, but can be very difficult in the beginning. Use the tips described in this article to get your practice to the next level!

Dream Explanations And Meanings

A:: B:: C:: D:: E:: F:: G:: H:: I:: J:: K:: L:: M
N:: O:: P:: Q:: R:: S:: T:: U:: V:: W:: X:: Y:: Z

Dream Explanations ( Z )


When you dream of being at ease and in a state of zen it signifies that you need are either able to find tranquility or you find it hard to relax.


A zero is symbolic of a void or emptiness you feel within yourself. It could also mean completeness, do not confuse a zero with a circle which means never ending. You feel that you are getting nowhere in whatever you are pursuing.


Dreaming of zigzags denotes a crazy and inconsistent character.


You are going to be pumped and ready to battle whatever comes your way! Zinc is symbolic of positive energy that is going to help you progress in any area of your life. If you taste zinc it means that you are only experiencing some of the benefits that are being offered to you. Take the full dosage and fulfill all of your desires so that nothing is lacking in your life.

Zip Code

Seeing a zip code in your dream signifies your characteristics. Also consider the numbers and maybe letters and relate it to your life.


Dreaming of a zipper means one thing and one thing only, sexuality! If you are unzipping then it means you are ready to accept and open up to sexual interactions.

On the other hand, if you are zipping up it suggests that you are putting up emotional barriers to others. You are also not open to fulfilling your sexual desires Seeing a damaged zipper that is unable to open or close in your dream signifies that you are having sexual problems.


Dreaming of a zodiac sign or signs represents your connection to your conscious and the rest of the world. If you dream of one particular zodiac sign you should be attention to its symbol and meaning and how it relates to you.


If you see or dream of yourself as a zombie it indicates that you are feeling disconnected from the world in some aspect in your life. On the other hand, dreaming of a zombie could simply mean that you feel your life is monotonous and there is nothing that supplies you with any emotions. If you dream of being attacked by zombies it indicates you are afraid something goes out of your control and takes over you.


When you dream that you are at a zoo it represents that you find you are being confined or held back from doing what you want. You feel some part of you is being held back and captivated.  On the other hand, the zoo could symbolize confusion in your life.


Dreaming of a zookeeper means that you need someone to hold you back and help you keep your composure. Some situation in your life is causing you to be emotionally distraught and soon if you do not seek help, someone is going to do it without asking you.


Zoomorphism means that you change into an animalistic form. The dream symbolizes that you act more freely and do not allow rules or other people govern what you do. You act on your instinctive rather than what society tells you to do. Be careful not to go too far with this new found freedom because there could be consequences. Also note what animal it is you dream of and the characteristics they have. Maybe you have they characteristics in you and you just need to act on them a bit more.

A:: B:: C:: D:: E:: F:: G:: H:: I:: J:: K:: L:: M
N:: O:: P:: Q:: R:: S:: T:: U:: V:: W:: X:: Y:: Z

Dream Explanations ( Y )


A yacht in your dream indicates wealth, prosperity and contentment. You have found a way to kick back and relax a bit more.


When you have a dream of an organized yard it indicates you have this same mentality towards every prospect of your life. If you see a disorganized yard suggests that you do not know how to manage your life.

Yard Sale

Whether you are having a yard sale or you are attending one it means that you learnt from the past and are using those experiences as lessons in your life now.


When you dream of a yardstick it is representative of a very firm attitude, no one is able to pressure you into doing things you do not want. You have a good head on your shoulders.


A yarmulke is a Jewish vestment and wearing one in your dream represents your closeness with the religion.


Dreaming of a yarn signifies routine. You are tired of the same thing every day. If the yarn is twisted or disheveled it suggests that you are a bit confused and stuck in a condition.


If you find yourself yawning in your dream, stop being so lazy and get up! You need to find something that would give you a bit of stimulation mentally, physically and emotionally.


Reminiscing of the past lately? The dream indicates that you are thinking of all the people you have lost communication with. Is there any message that you saw in your dream or have you been thinking about a particular person who signed your yearbook? The message may be some advice from your unconscious. On the other hand, you may just be missing the past where you were in school and had little or no responsibility.


If you dream that you are missing something, you actually have unfulfilled desires and needs. Try paying attention to what you are yearning for in your dream and relating it to your life. Then fill the empty space in your life.


Yeast serves to help dough rise. Think of yourself as the dough. Your dream means that you are going to grow.


Wow, no need to scream we hear you! The dream indicates feelings of anger that you have been holding back but you finally want to let it out! On the other hand, you may be yelling because you feel that no one is listening to you.


Stop doubting yourself, the dream serves as a confirmation and push to do whatever you are unsure about.


You may be regretting something that has happened in the past. Alternatively it implies that you keep holding on to the past and cannot move on. It is time that you let go and live your life.


Dreaming of this monster means that you do not know how to control your emotions. It is a constant battle for you to understand what it right and okay to do.


If you surrender your authority in your dream it means that you are able to let go and give someone else control.

Ying and Yang

Seeing ying and yang in your dream represents your ability to find a way where two differences can operate together.


Ever had that dream where you are in the mountains listening to your echo then you suddenly burst into song, Yodel – Ay – EEE  Oooo.  This means that your heart and mind are connected, unlike many who only think with one of them. Listen to the messages in between because it could serve some importance in your life.


Dreaming of performing yoga in your dream either means you have a good balance between stress and relaxation or the total opposite. Pay attention to whether you are letting daily stresses get to you.


If you see yoke in your dream it means that you are very reluctant to be diverse or listen to other people.


Dreaming of a younger version of yourself indicates that you are missing those days. Perhaps you are dwelling in the past and wish you could make a fresh start. Otherwise, you have been acting immature lately and you need to learn to accept your responsibilities.


When you dream of playing with a yoyo it implies that you think that it is easy to play with things. Through the ups and downs, you are not worried because you are able to manage.

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N:: O:: P:: Q:: R:: S:: T:: U:: V:: W:: X:: Y:: Z

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