The Healing Essence: Siechim


The Seichim healing wisdom
 was translated from ancient Egyptian Hieroglyphics
 into Sanskrit.   
The word Seichim describes the energy 
and the healing system.   

Seikim is the raw, original creative energy 
that brought forth all things.  
 It is connected to the Feminine Goddess.   

In Egypt, the Goddess is known as Sekmet 

and in India it is known as the Kundalini Shakti.  

The knowledge and the ability to channel it
 for healing purposes was dormant.
It is thought to have been activated due to 
the need for it in our world today.

Patrick Zeigler 
founded the beginning of Seichim in the west.  
 In 1979, he experienced spontaneous initiation.  

 Since a child, 
he dreamed of sleeping in the Great Pyramid of Giza.   
When he visited the Pyramids, he saw a small opening. 
 So with the intention of realizing his childhood dream, 
he prepared himself for the sleepover by fastin
 and packing a bag to take with him.   

He snuck into the opening that lead to a small room.
There he stayed until all the tourists left for the day 
and the Pyramid was closed.

He meditated in the Queen’s and King’s chamber a while. 
  Then he took his flashlight to explore.   
He accidentally hit a sarcophagus, 
which made a gong-like sound.   
He laid inside it.  Then he heard a buzzing noise 
which did not stop and he realized that he was being attacked by mosquitoes!  
 He then wrapped himself in toilet paper to prevent the biting so that he was able to continue his meditation.  

Soon he heard a thumping sound.
It came closer and closer to him.   
He thought it was security and became very still 
to not be detected... 
But no one turned the lights on.   
He realized that what he was hearing was not human!  
Waves of fear overwhelmed him.   
The thumping came closer to him and 
became a pulsing vibration.   

He watched an electric blue light swirling in a figure eight hovering over him
 and then went into his heart.  
Thus was his initiation to Seichim.

In the morning, 
he hid in the tunnel until the tourist came and left with the group
 but he was covered in white powder which was only found in restricted areas of the Pyramid.   
The powder was known for its healing powers 
and was shipped to India and other countries for its spiritual properties.   
It was known in the west as ‘white gold’,
 which was used to heightened spiritual powers. 
The guards saw him and chased him 
but he escaped.

He later studied with the Sikh and became a Reiki master. 

 Soon after, he started to initiate others into the healing energies of Seikim.

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